Online Application

Personal Information

(can be remitted separately by e-mail or regular mail)

Parental / Guarantor Information

Property of interest (list here)

Period Wanted (Approximate)

Proposed Roommates (if already known)

Self Employed Applicants


Can be remitted separately by e-mail or regular mail


"Applicant affirms all above information to be true and accurate. Applicant understands that, if found false, misleading or incomplete, tenancy can be denied or terminated with loss of deposit. Landlord can contact parent(s) or guarantor(s) for payment of rent and for any other matter related to tenancy. Landlord, if requested, can release information about tenant to representative of college attended by tenant and to any local, state, or federal authorities. Tenant agrees to all above." NOTE: Please send application by e-mail and mail a signed copy with the reservation deposit of $600.00 (made payable to Dr. P. Perretta) to above address. Said deposit shall be fully refundable ‘till applicant has confirmed intent to rent a specific unit.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 65